Essay, Research Paper: Pregnancy And Alcohol


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January 1989 the results of a study conducted by Ann Pytkowicz Streissguth were
published in the Journal of Developmental Psychology. The study investigated the
relationship of maternal use of drugs, alcohol and/or cigarettes during
pregnancy on the IQ of her child at the age of four years. Newsweek and
Scientific News also print articles later that year reporting the effects of
maternal use of alcohol and drugs on the infant. They also looked at the effects
of cigarette smoke on the fetus. Although the articles dealt with the same topic
using information reported in the original study they differed in how they
presented that information to their readers. All three publications varied use
of methodology, use of scientific findings, and the presentation of the
conclusion to meet the informational needs of their audiences. "IQ at Age 4
in Relationship Maternal Alcohol Use and Smoking during pregnancy" was
written by the group of researchers that group participated in a study lead by
Ann Streissguth. This the original article is the actual research paper which
was presented by the group. The paper tells how an original group of over
fifteen hundred pregnant women was reduced to a select group of under five
hundred. They explain how the condition of the infant at birth was not a factor
in the study. It was their goal to define the long term effect of substance use
during pregnancy. Further information shares how they followed the children in a
longitudinal study at eight months, eighteen months, and four years. The group
looked at a multitude of factors which included the toddlers learning abilities
and the child's IQ at the age of four. Of the three articles this one relies
most on the use of methodology, scientific findings and presentation conclusion.
In their paper they use the standard method of reporting research data. An
abstract at the beginning of the paper gives a good summary of the content to
follow. They present their hypothesis, do a literature review, define the group
selection, explain the method of data collection, identify variables, analyze
that data, present their results, discuss the findings and give references. As
most research papers it counts heavily on use of numbers and scientific data to
support any statement it makes about the subject. This is apparent in the use of
many graphs and tables of data. The group concludes that use of such substance
during pregnancy does have a long term effect on the child. The researchers warn
that their study was limited and therefore should not be the rule. They advise
Practitioners to caution Pregnant women not to take any chance with the unborn
fetus. This is because of the effects that can occur with different amounts of
consumption during various stages of pregnancy. Published in the Journal of
Developmental Psychology the audience of the article would most likely be others
in the field of Psychology or Medicine. Their need would be to know, in depth,
all aspects of the study. Only with such complete information could they apply
this knowledge in their practices. Therefore, this format would be the
expectation of those readers. The Science News article reaches a broader group
of professionals in related fields of science. "Drinking While Pregnant
Risks Child's IQ" was written by B. Bower. The author reports on the same
study described in the first article. This article was short and simple. It was
written to inform it's readers that the study existed and brief them on its
findings. Bower includes enough data to discuss the validity of the study but
relies more on a verbal explanation of the outcome to convey the message. Using
an informative approach Bower did not draw any conclusion, but merely related
the findings of the study. However by including the studies source of original
publication Bower allows the inquisitive reader to seek more information if they
want. C. Leerhsen and E. Schaefer were coauthors of an article in Newsweek
titled "Pregnancy + Alcohol = Problems". This article was obviously
written for the public to understand. The use of story telling at the beginning
is to grab the reader's attention. The authors explored literature dating back
to the old testament. They show how there was an awareness of the relationship
between fetal outcome and use of certain substances. Scientific findings were
injected to validate their story. The author's use of findings from two leading
researchers, Ann Streisssguth and Dr. Kenneth Lyons Jones, gives more strength
to the story without much data. Then they turn to a more personal touch by
referring to a case study done by Michael Dorris as reported in a book title
"The Broken Cord.". In this book Dorris tells of his own experience
raising a child with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. This allowed the authors of the
article to relate the information by use of characters instead of numbers.
Newsweek's Article relates the information in an appropriate way for a broad
spectrum of readers to understand. They summarize with a short story about a
pregnant woman drinking. Without drawing a conclusion, they leave the reader to
conclude what a senseless act drinking during pregnancy is. Although the three
articles are so different in the methods' they use they get the same message
across to their audience in a way they will understand. The message in these
articles is important for every level of society to know. The long term success
of a population relies on the ability of the next generation to build on the
successes of the past. If that generation is given a barrier to success before
they're even born, they have less chance of surviving in a highly technical
world. This work was so important that the results of Ann Streissguth's and
associates work is referenced in college books. One of these texts is
"DRUGS & SOCIETY a biological perspective".

BibliographyBower, B. (1989,). Drinking While Pregnant Risks Child's IQ Science News,
135, 68. Leerhsen, C., & Schaefer, E., ( 1989, July. 31 ). Pregnancy +
Alcohol = Problems Even moderate drinking can cause damage Newsweek , 57.
Streissguth, A., Barr, H. M., Sampson P. D., Darby B. L., Martin, D.C., (1989)
IQ at Age 4 in Relation to Maternal Alcohol Use and Smoking during Pregnancy
Developmental Psychology ,25 (1), 3-11. Jones - Witters p., Witters, W., (1983)
DRUGS & SOCIETY a iological perspective, ( 208-210 ). California, Wadsworth
Health Sciences.
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