Essay, Research Paper: Science Of Psychology


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Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology Chapter one of our text begins by
discussing psuedoscience, or as the authors call it "psychobabble".
Basically they discuss how it is common that people are often misled by false
psychology in our culture and quite often in the media. The authors compare and
contrast true psychological practices with psuedopsychology, which often lacks
true evidence and proper methods of research and information retrieval. I was
glad to see that the authors discussed this topic and clarified the difference
between "psuedopsychology" and genuine psychology. It was very helpful
to have clarification of what is genuine and what is not within the field of
psychology. The remainder of chapter one discusses two other topics, Critical
Thinking and the history of psychological practices. Critical thinking is an
evolving process, which one uses to come to a reasonable logical conclusion. It
is imperative that Psychologists use Critical Thinking when coming to a
conclusion regarding the matter at hand. This section on Critical Thinking
provides the reader with a good base to begin thinking Psychologically and it is
very helpful in allowing one to come to an unbiased conclusion. This section was
helpful in describing to the reader how psychologists reason and come to logical
conclusions in their field of work. The history of Psychological practices was
the section of chapter one that I least enjoyed. This was mostly due to the fact
that I was already aware of most of the information that was provided. However
it is important that people realize how the field of Psychology has developed
and it's different methods, so this chapter served the purpose of providing this
information. Chapter 2: How Psychologists do Research The second chapter of our
text covers the topic of how Psychologists go about obtaining results from their
research. This chapter discusses the various methods and practices that
Psychologists use to come to a well-supported conclusion. Much of what is
covered in this chapter has do to with how psychologists make sure that all of
their research, facts, studies, and especially conclusions are scientifically
correct. Most of what I read in this chapter was not new information to me. I
studied most of what was discussed in this chapter last semester in my
Psychology Lab class and my Psychology class. Not only did I study these
practices, but I also put some of them to use during many of my labs last
semester, so I am fairly familiar with the subject. Although what was discussed
is important and relevant, I found it to be a bit tedious because of my prior
knowledge of the subjects covered. However some of the information was new to me
and it is interesting to find out new things that I was not exposed to prior to

BibliographyPsychology sixth edition text book by Carole Wade & Carol Tavris
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