Essay, Research Paper: Social Learning Theory


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You asked us in class how did we learn how to act in class. I swear I would have
never been able to answer that question had somebody else not answered that. How
interesting to find out at age 25 how I learned how to do everything. I often
wondered how I learned to be nice. Then I think how it must of come from my
mother and father. They are very nice people. Even more interesting is I think
of a childhood friend of mine who I occasionally talk to. Her parents were evil
people. They were always saying mean things and giving dirty looks. This
childhood friend of mine has always been and is still an unpleasant person.
After reading Bandura’s theory, it becomes very clear (attention -- the
individual notices something in the environment, retention -- the individual
remembers what was noticed, reproduction -- the individual produces an action
that is a copy of what was noticed, motivation -- the environment delivers a
consequence that changes the probability the behavior will be emitted again
(reinforcement and punishment). I do not really understand the concept of
self-efficacy. On one hand, it almost seems to be similar to self-esteem.
However, it would seem very reasonable that I would not feel very confident
about juggling because I have never learned how to juggle and every time I’ve
tried to juggle in the past I could not do it. So one would say that I had low
self-efficacy. But is that bad? I think I would venture to say in some cases it
might have to do with confidence. For example, the book makes an example of
trying out for the lead role in a school play. Now, I know I am not a great
actress but I may be more gutsy for something like that. I suppose low
self-efficacy would not be that bad depending on the circumstance. Another
example the book gave was about people who were not the best at mathematics not
taking many math classes. Well, that’s me! But I don’t necessarily see that
as being so bad. I know I have taken a lot of psychology classes where a
mathematics major would not do that. So I guess I’ve convinced myself that low
self-efficacy is not that bad; it just effects behavior. It could be bad for
some things like shyness or poor reading/writing skills. But as far as being a
juggler or a math major, you can count me out! I have read a little bit of the
book “Emotional Intelligence”. Boy was I relieved when that came out. Not
only did I not feel alone anymore in the appreciation of myself but I was
relieved to find out that my average IQ score wasn’t the only important thing
about me. I have always prided myself on my social behavior (or my behavior in
public). I realize I may not be perfect but if you tell me my hair is sticking
up in a specific place I am certainly not going to cry. I have also always been
very “street smart”, which is another element of emotional intelligence. I
may not be able to solve a trigonometry equation but I can get around the city
of Chicago merely on the number system and a little help from North, South, West
and East. Being 25-years-old this might seem appropriate. However, as I observe
my peers, I start to feel very above-average! This, of course, not to be a
put-down but simply to show how emotional intelligence plays such an important
role in the United States. The last thing I would like to comment on is your
illicit presentation of motor reproduction. I could easily watch you fold your
paper and follow instructions that way but when it came to explaining it to
other people I was lost. Because there were previous folds in the paper, I could
not go back and explain to them how to use those lines. Because I am a visual
learner, it was easier for me to follow. Had you just told us what to do, I’m
sure my paper would never see the light of a sailboat!
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