Essay, Research Paper: Egypt Religion


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To summarize the section on ancient Egypt, is to realize the extent of the faith
all Egyptians held in religion and belief of their after life. Just looking at
the great lengths the Egyptians went to in keeping the bodies safe for all
eternity. From their burial sites and pyramids, to the 70 days it takes to
prepare the body for proper burial. The Egyptians held so much sacred and
believed so much in the ascension into afterlife, that to me it seemed that
death was not to be feared by the Egyptians as long as their heart was pure.
Although in the western world we probably think this is a bit extreme, but most
people I think believe or want to believe in an afterlife, and, immortality is
something all men have craved, especially after their youth has left them. The
“Book of the Dead” I thought was fascinating, how it paralleled the beliefs
of the western society’s afterlife when we sit in judgment of god. I perceived
the weighing of the heart in the presence of Thoth the judge of cycles, that if
the heart is found pure and of no fault then the monster Amemet would not
prevail against him. Come our judgment day in most western beliefs, we are
either allowed into heaven or cast down to hell. It was easy to understand most
of the Egyptians thinking in the inscriptions that were left, because of the
similarities of most of the religions. Another marvel of Egypt was the temples
and statues, the size and quantity of them. With the limited tools of the time
and the precision of the building of the pyramids, its hard not to think of the
spirit and beliefs of the ancient Egyptians to accomplish these feats, you
almost have to think there was something mystical or magical about these people.
I believe it was the second film we watched, that the narrator said there was
nothing written that the people were slaves or worked as slaves, they built for
their king of their own will. A job that must have taken years to do (the
pyramids) their faith in their Gods and Goddesses and of their king must have
been immense. That kind of love and devotion en masse is not found anymore I
don’t think in any religion. In my travels around the world I have seen many
cultures and religions, from Korea and Japan to some South Pacific islands,
including Australia and New Zealand, down to Central America and even some
Voodoo in the Caribbean. I have seen how much more religion means to people
outside the U.S. (not saying that we don’t believe as much as the next guy
just not as grand a scale) most places I have visited, place religion high in
their priorities in their daily life. Church is regular as well as prayer, also
their fear in whatever god they worship is greater, so I believe it gives me a
glimpse at what the ancient Egyptians might have lived or thought like or at
least a better view than if I was relegated to just the New Jersey Catholic
point of view I was raised on. It has at least made it easier for me to believe
and picture the Egyptian culture and religion as a real people, and I am
thankful for that. Even though I have a clearer view than some into this land
and its mystery, I am not without questions. The obvious pyramid building, which
is everyone’s biggest question. But how did the knowledge of resurrection and
the afterlife get to the people? Did the gods talk to one man? Did it come in a
dream or a vision and was it written down in form right away? Even though I have
questions there is too much I have seen and read to marvel at to worry about
them right now, just something to ponder for the future. Breaking the surface
the last few weeks into Egypt and their religion and beliefs, has made me want
to continue my travels to that side of the world. If not to just see the
landmarks of time but to feel what people have experienced throughout the films
and what was expressed in class. It seems people talk about Egypt with a feeling
of enjoyment and satisfaction, as if they have been touched with an experience
that is everlasting. I want to share that feeling even if it’s for a moment. I
think to Dr. Caballa in the temple of Isis and the feeling he got being in her
presence, peaks my curiosity even more. And even though I am only a sometimes
practicing catholic, and I don’t have the connections to Egypt that Dr.
Caballa has, I can’t help but think I would feel something. I have an open
mind and a sense of adventure. And I think a trip to the ancient land would be
quite an adventure.
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