Essay, Research Paper: College Paper On Religion


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The law requires perfect righteousness. All people on the same level
Righteousness in man. Having knowledge without knowing God is not worth while .
Paul states that setting aside one's Body is of no use: chapter 3:1-4. Paul asks
what kind of advantage do the Jews have. God gave them many promises of
responsibilities. The prophet Abraham was called for the special task of doing
God's work. His children and their children found special with God because God
loved Abraham. To these people God showed special blessings. God has given these
people gifts and talents so they in turn can influence other people to turn to
God. However because they were so pompous and disobedient they did not do God's
work. God however was very patient with them for many generations. During the
years of captivity , God revealed to Daniel that he would wait another 490 years
for his chosen people to start. Obeying him even in our lives today we can see
that God has given us his words to spread to other people, but we are still
refusing to do so. If we continue to disobey God, he will eventually choose
someone else to do his work. The Bible says that if God does not find any human
beings to do his work, he will stones to preach his word. 9-18, says all people
are in sin. There are no two ways to salvation. Even though people do not know
the way to true peace, God's peace is still with us. 19-Within the law, all
people become guilty and no one is less guilty than another person. 20-God wrote
the law; this law can not justify people who are willingly breaking the law. The
law would require that everyone be perfect, just as Jesus was perfect. Sometimes
people think that if Christ could erase our past then we would be as perfect as
he is. But no one on this earth could ever be as perfect as Christ was. Romans
12: 2-3, says that any thing that is not of faith is sin. Paul was a very good
man, yet he counted everything he has as nothing in order that he might live for
Jesus Christ. 21- In the judgement day, the law will determine what grace the
sinner will receive without living by the law. However, people will have to go
to Jesus Christ who is the head in order to find grace. 22- All men are on an
equal level. We need to thank God he is so willing to save each person just like
another person. The way of salvation is giving and receiving. . Giving on God's
part and receiving on man's part. Because we are so proud, we resent the fact
that we have to depend on Go, but we have no choice. The only thing we can do is
to go to Christ, or which we have to pay no money. The prophet rejoiced in the
Lord because God has given him salvation and righteousness as if he was cloth in
them. We can not do this for ourselves, we need to trust God to do this for us.
Sometimes we hear people talk as if the owe their righteousness to themselves,
but it is because of these very thoughts that we will all need to call upon God
for grace and forgiveness. Verse 24, says that all people have sinned and come
short of God's glory. All men stand on the same level and God often gives mercy
to anyone who will come and partake of God's mercy and grace is welcome to do
so. In doing so we are justified in Christ. Barrett,The Epistle Of Paul to the
Romans Page 131. We have found the round of the christian's freedom from sin in
the sense that we are no longer under the control of the law. Paul had already
proven that because of the law that all people struggling, and especially their
struggling for life and god, into sin. If then the law makes up for grace, sin
will inevitably be eliminated. This is Paul's argument; but it could turned into
the rhetorical of the diatribe, continues to meet the possible purpose. We have
come to find out that it is the law that helps motivate us to do what is right
and if we do away with it and we do away with morality. The more sin abounds,
the more grace abounds; life under grace attracts the multiplication of sin.
Should we sin then because we are not under the control of the law, but the
control of grace? let's not misinterprete our christian freedom. It is not a
fact that christian, free though they are from the law as a means of being
saved. 1Cor.9v21 "Do you not know that when you offer yourself to someone
as slave, to obey him then you are slave of him whom you obey? This is a general
principle from which no men can exempt. Behind it possibly lists the doctrine
whereby all men are subject to be taken into slavery in order to assure a pace
in heaven. Paul introduced this additional matter because it is vital to show
that obedience has quality for grace and faith. In saying this, we, christians
have already indulged to the method of Paul's general principle. Whether we be
sinners,the slavery to us will end in death, or obedience, slavery to us will
end in righteousness. Paul believes that all people will be slaves, and
obedient, to a kind master or a bad one. Freedom will not be possible. However,
there is no question which side the readers of the epistle have taken.
"Thank be to God: you were indeed slaves of sin (John 8.34; Romans 3.19)
but from the heart you gave your obedience to that christian doctrine to which
as slave you were handed over. As Christians, we are not from the (Ribose)
masters of tradition; we are made by the word of God, and remained committed to
it. In reality, being a christian helps set us free from slavery. "We were
liberated from sin, we were made slaves to righteousness. Righteousness is very
vital to the christian. The only righteousness Jesus has given up is his own,
and that in order he may be in commitment to God's righteousness, purity that is
greater than human righteousness. 19. As it is stated in Paul's apologetic
parenthesis. I am given all this in a human illustration (3.5; 1
Cor.9.8;Gal.3.15) because your understanding is only human. Paul's usage of term
flesh relates to our human nature, which can not understand deep truth unless it
is in the form of human comparison. We as the members of the church are again
the power. I we are in service to be wicked or unjust, the consequence will make
us wicked and unjust. If we are in service to (God's) righteousness, the
consequence will make us holy; observed as sacred. The problem with iniquity
implies the ability to choose from right and wrong. 1Thess. 4.3-7. Submission to
the righteousness of God is not itself an issue of ethics, but rather an ethical
purity. As christians, it is impossible to settle between sin and righteousness.
A man can not serve two masters. "But now you have been freed from sin and
have become slave to God. Accordingly your fruit proves to be sanctified (v.19),
and ultimate result will be eternal life. If we remain faithful and obedient to
God's promises and commandments, we will be sanctified for the eternal life with
him on heaven. Bible Studies On The Book Of Romans, Chap.4 Beginning with the
19th verse. "Whatsoever things the law saith, it saith to them that are
under the law; that every mouth may be stopped, and all the people may become
guilty before God." The first part of the lesson, focused on the truth that
God makes no distinction of people. Labors alone are taken into consideration in
the judgement while it is still a fact to recognize a tree by its fruits, it is
also a fact that we are not to judge other people. God alone is judge. He looks
upon our sincerity, the good will of our hearts while people can judge only from
what we have even though it may not be honest; for that while the works of
people look kind of good to their friends, to God who sees what man can not see,
they are known to be spoiled. Again: the righteous will survive by faith. How
much of our lives should be perfect? Every bit of it; for the righteous will
survive by faith. Nothing that we can do can be right by the law only. By hope
alone can a man or any act of his be perfect . The law judges a person by his
work, and the law is so inconceivably great that no people act can rise to its
majesty. There must otherwise be a mediator through whom justification will
come. A heart unrenowned is desperately tempted. Only evil can come from a
wicked heart. To bring good things, there must be a good heart, and only a kind
person can have a gook heart. However, like all people sinned, as a result of
their sins all the good things of humanity are worthless. The law itself is the
quality of good perfect righteousness, but Christ is the truth, the path and the
life. And the grace is to give the present of God's righteousness through faith.
"For all sinned and come short of the glory of God." It is
comprehensible that no act of ours can be justified for the bad of our past. But
it is a fact that we can not be justified in any present act any more than we
can make the past perfect to make perfect the imperfect things or acts of the
past. In conclusion, then what can we say of all the things we have learned? If
God is for us, who is not for us. The question is not whether we choose to be
with God, but whether he chooses to be with us. If he is, we may subject to all
kinds of pains and sufferings; but none can ever threatened our salvation.
Because of Jesus Christ, we have been proven that God is for us, and it is to
him that we need to hold tight when the time comes to part, as a security that
God will give us the strength.
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