Essay, Research Paper: Pokemon Phenomenon


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This kids phenomenon began as a hand-held video game and exploded across the
globe, from trading cards to becoming the number one rated television kids' show
on the popular cartoon programming Kids' WB! The TV program is drawn in the
manner of the old speed racer cartoon with similar type voices. It began showing
in syndication in September 1998 and within a few months shot to the top of the
ratings chart for children's programs. The Pokémon phenomenon began in Japan in
1996, with Nintendo inciting a national craze when it introduced software for
its Game Boy portable video game system called "Pocket Monsters." The
name Pokémon, is short for POcKEt MONster, each have there own special fighting
abilities. Pokémon is marketed as a creative strategy game based on mythical
creatures. Sounds like fun but its more than that, much more. You work your way
to the top, perfecting your skills by using your Pokémon to fight against other
Pokémon trainers. The Pokémon game does get the kids to think, strategize and
use their memory skills. But thinking on what is the question that needs to be
asked. " Pokémon are incredible creatures that share the world with
humans,' says Professor Oak (on the program), the leading authority on these
monsters." There are currently over 150 documented species of Pokémon. The
professor says "We need to deal with poke'mon as individuals just as we
deal with people." Pokémon frequently take on the characteristics of the
human who captured them. The Pokémon song and mantra is heard on the program
and written in the materials. "I want to be the very best like no one ever
was, to catch them is my real test to train them is my cause ."I will
travel across the land Searching far and wide Each Pokémon to understand the
power that's inside. "Gotta catch them all!" Its you and me I know I
know, its my destiny." Just about every child has memorized this stanza.
The last line of the Pokémon mantra, "Gotta catch them all!" is used
over and over again to have the kids desire and crave for collecting more Pokémon
paraphernalia. Whatever the creators of these Pocket monsters come out with the
kids want they are hooked. Between the TV commercial breaks a Poke'mon comes
flashed in a shadow shape and they all say in unison "Whose that Pokémon."
The kids are to recognize the certain character by its shape. Now remember there
are over 150 of them so to do this takes quite some time to familiarize
themselves with the creatures. This becomes a whole new education for them to
learn of these mythical creatures. A Look at The characters The story revolves
around a 10 year old boy named Ash Ketchum (a boy and his friends). He is
energetic and determined to become the world's greatest Pokémon Master."
Ash's goal and your child's is to become the greatest trainer in the world by
collecting and raising pokémon. His pet is Pikachu who looks like across
between a cuddly rabbit and a rat. He has a lightning bolt shaped tail. (Raichu
also has a lightning bolt tail) Misty a girl who is Ash's friend is described as
"headstrong and stubborn . . . constantly quibbling with Ash." She is
always giving him a hard time, they are constantly arguing. Ash says she's
always putting him down. Then there is the third member of the adventurous trio,
Brock who has uncontrolled hormones. Brock who is Ashes trouble making partner
is girl crazy, he is infatuated with their perfume, dress and shape. Every girl
he sees he is in love with. Brock's fascination with the opposite sex often gets
him and the gang into trouble. Brock also has a temper (have you seen your child
develop one?) and sometimes will hit Misty, who is his friend on the head, as in
one case because she wanted to reveal that he loves a certain girl. Competition
drives Ash making him obsessed with catching all the Pokémon. But it is not
that easy he has enemies, Team rocket. A boy girl team called Jessie & James
(Jessie James remember him, the outlaw). Meoth is a Pokémon on team rocket who
are the enemy are the nemesis of Ash, they want to steal all the Pokémon's from
the people and trying to steal Pikachu from Ash, and at times they do, but Ash
always gets him back. "Prepare for trouble, make it double.... Jessie,
James . . . they are an evil gang following Ash and friends looking to steal
rare Pokémon. Jessie and James are stuck up, fashion conscious, trouble makers.
Jesse the girl is dressed in a scanty short skirt. These characters do not
portray good values much less moral that the Bible asks us and our children to
have. Yet they are the villain's in the story. They have a song they often sing
that is quite revealing, "To protect the world from devastation to unite
all peoples within our nations. To announce the evils of truth and love to
extend our reach to the stars above." To unite the world and reach the
stars was the goal of the tower of Babel. To announce the evils of love and
truth make this quite a deceptive, evil message, even from the bad guys of the
cartoon. The Bible says, to "Prove all things; hold fast that which is
good." 1 Thessalonians 5:21. To "... Reject that which is evil; hold
to that which is good." If you are a Christian you know the invisible war
often times can become visible and you can be engaged in it. This one has
touched our homes and it happened very quickly. In some respects it came under
the radar screen of many parents. We do battle, but not with creature against
creature. Behind these creatures is a spiritual power trying to influence the
children. We are in the midst of a battle going on for the hearts and minds of
our children, and this has become an all out assault. Consider that Pokémon"
is the sixth most-searched-for word on the Internet and is the fastest-selling
Game Boy game. The video game has sold more than 4 million Nintendo Game Boy
games in the United States, with the Pokémon game cartridges topping all others
in the first and second best-selling slots. In Japan were four versions that are
not found in America, yellow, green, silver, and gold, yellow was recently
released here. There are lots of Poke'mon that haven't been seen or captured,
nor made by Nintendo, But they will be! Why stop such a good thing? "Pokémon
has since become the largest children phenomenon of the decade, Since the Pokémon
trading card game's debut in January 1999, over 2 million copies of the game
have been sold in North America." Nintendo, its Japanese creator, puts the
total retail value of the animated cartoon, Gameboy video games, promotional
toys and cards at $1 billion in the U.S. and $7 billion worldwide in just one
year. Other merchandise to put your money into their pockets are: comic books,
coloring books, videos, compact disks, etc. Instead of the phrase "gotta
catch em all" it should say "gotta take all your money" because
that’s what they are doing as people are pouring hundreds if not thousands of
dollars to quench the desire of their kids to "catch em all." This fad
does not come cheap, as there were originally 150 now the number is increasing
as they see they can offer more to the naďve children. Pokemon #151 is Mewtwo,
who is psychic Pokémon. The "holo" (shinies) cards are the rarest to
catch and collect since there is a limited quantity of each set of Pokémon
cards. Each is printed with the symbol which shows the cards are first-edition
cards from that set. The cards may have future reprints but never with the
symbol which assures that first-edition cards will maintain their value! The
cards are of the highest quality with artistic pictures and information on them.
On the cards they describe the creatures by their genetic type, weight, and
height, such as haunter who is a gas Pokémon, length 5'3'', weight 0.2 lbs. He
is used to hypnotize his opponent. On the upper left hand corner of the card it
will tell you what stage of evolving it is in on the right hand corner grass,
fire , water lightning etc. At the bottom it shows it weaknesses and resistance.
This is a complicated strategy game that introduces one to a pantheistic
worldview and the child is exposed to the power of the occult. This has become
very big money and not just baseball cards are counterfeited anymore. In July,
Customs seized $250,000 worth of counterfeit Pokémon products at the docks in
Elizabeth, N.J. They seem to be counterfeits surfacing everywhere. Genuine Pokémon
cards are made in the United States and can be worth $50 each for the rare first
editions. Most parents can spend at the least $100 to over $1,000. Cards can
cost From $3.50 to $7 for a single pack, theme packs can run up to $25. Prices
can get really high, the rarest cards run anywhere from $100-$400 on the Pokémon
black market. The news reports that Parents of two kids in L.I. are suing
Nintendo for "conspiring to engage in a pattern of racketeering
activity" and "engaging in an illegal gambling enterprise." They
seem to believe Nintendo that offers rare cards in undisclosed packs and prompts
the kids to "catch em all" going on a buying spree to get the rare
card and resell them to the collectors for a greater markup. So they are
accusing Nintendo of promoting gambling. They do have a point. However the
parents have spent, thousands of dollars on Pokémon cards. Now anyone who has
seen how these children act that are into this fad can sympathize, but somewhere
along the line the parents need to take control and put their foot down. Better
to be before, than to deal with it in the middle, losing money and your children
to Nintendo's toys. The goal is to "catch em all. And the kids seek these
cards in sometimes an aggressive fashion. They have been stolen from school to
homes. One child I know had his whole card collection stolen, it had to be worth
a couple hundred dollars. The children get into fights over the cards? Some
parents and educators say kids are becoming obsessed, even brainwashed. The
Elementary aged children are being manipulated to crave and beg for more Pokémon
paraphernalia, they don't know how to stop. Many of these Pokémon creatures
look like they came right out of your kids nightmares, but now they want to
carry in their pocket. A few examples Himonlee, Jolteon, Pincer, Golbat, Gastly
all look like Holloween refuges at best, at worst like little demons from horror
films. Students in school are not able to leave their playtime outside the
classroom, they are so engrossed with the game it captures their attention which
the teacher has to compete with during class. Because of the activity of the
kids, some schools have banned Pokémon from the premises. It has become an
epidemic among the children and not a good influence. This can come from the TV
program where we find things like Misty is asked to fight over a Pokémon who
Ash and her both saw at the same time as to who will capture the Pokémon first.
This fighting is a consistent foundation in the game. Ash is also in competition
to catch more Pokémon than Professor Oaks grandson Gary. When Ash sees a new
creature he refers to his Poke'dex, a small hand held computer which immediately
identifies it. They certainly are not learning zoology from this game but about
mythical creatures. (all the imaginary creatures are in it so there is no
educational value in learning of them, but lots of learning about these fantasy
creatures to help in Pokémon fights). Now if our kids were this serious in
remembering and identifying the real animals and creatures they learn in school,
they would literally be geniuses. The Pokémon: morals and ethics Pokémon Game
Boy game and watching the TV Pokémon show gives the kids the basic ideas and
goals of the trading card game. The interactive, role-playing game of Pokémon
offers young "trainers" a chance to an ever-increasing number of
collectible species and engage in Pokémon battles with other trainers. The
trainer's goal is to increase his status through battles with other trainers
until he earns the ultimate badge of honor by becoming "The World's
Greatest Pokémon Master." To capture a Pokémon they throw the Poké ball
at them and sometimes it gets teleported to professor Oaks Lab. In the
complicated Fable world of Pokémon, each creature possesses its own special
powers and abilities based on its association with certain elements (earth,
wind, fire, water). Trainers must know their creatures problem using solving
strategy skills to win battles. To do this they need to commit to memory a list
of arcane knowledge which will fit the battle. Which creature will they use,
what they decide can mean victory or defeat. Trainers are also encouraged to
teach and care for their captured Pokémon in order to become more successful.
The kids are told to Carry your Pokémon with you, and you're ready for
anything! You've got the power in your hands, so use it!' Captured Pokémon can
evolve and become even more powerful. As they immediately evolve, morphing
(changing) into another creature. In Pokémon, the monsters transform the old
self and evolve into a new more powerful Pokémon when they win. The Pokémon
evolve and take on new characteristics and one can evolve into one of two
completely different Pokémon, indicating a complete change. Caterpie who is a
caterpillar evolves into Metapod who evolves into Butterfree a butterfly. This
is the teaching of eastern religions, the Shinto beliefs have evolution and
re-incarnation, these are the ideas presented in Pokémon. We live in a post
Christian era in America, and what is coming in is the old paganism, with a
vengeance. There are different cards used in the game for ones warfare; They can
resemble a supernatural chicken fight. Machop, Machoke, Machamp are all
fighters. Machoke is the final stage of evolution for Machop.There are 151 Pokémon
(Pocket Monsters) that must be engaged in battle and defeated. Many of these
evolve, some to the fourth level, into other creatures more powerful than the
original Pokemon. They possess different levels of power and can become more
powerful with the use of crystals, thunderstones, and other evolving techniques
Evolution cards are played on top of your Basic Pokémon (or sometimes on top of
other Evolution cards). They make your Pokémon bigger and more powerful. Energy
cards are attached to your Pokémon to give them the Energy they need to use
their attacks. Basic Energy card: A Grass , Fire , Water , Lightning , Psychic ,
or Fighting Energy card. The "Energy cards" "make your Pokémon
bigger and more powerful." They draw on natures elements - Earth, Water,
Fire, and Wind. Trainer cards are one-shot cards that do something once and are
then discarded. Its all about fighting, intense competition and being numero uno.
In the song "Each Pokémon to understand the power that's inside" Each
Pokémon exhibits its own supernatural powers, so we need to ask what is the
source origin of those powers? An introduction to the occult worldview and
participating in it Are occult practices or New Age symbols found in the
characters and cards? Yes for both. Ash the main character who is wanting become
a Poke'mon master has a -Z- lightning bolt across both his cheeks disguised as
cheek indentations. The Lightening Bolt is used as a Satanic symbol representing
the gods of thunder (Thor, Set, Zeus, and Jupiter). Satanists use the lightening
or thunderbolt, It is destructive. Meoth learned to talk a long time ago so he
can say his full name (most Poke'mon cannot) For example Picachu says P Chu
Charmander says Char. In the game and the cartoon the creatures can only say
their name or part of it, so they chant their name over and over - chanting is a
form of self hypnosis and shuts down our conscious mind opening one up to
suggestions. Sometimes they will say their name to point out something like a
barking dog would, other times they say it over and over before they enter
battle. There are a few cards are used that have familiar magic terms, Alakazam
who is the final stage of Abra is a psychic Pokémon with an intelligence of
5,000. There is Abra, and Kadabra. Abracadabra is a familiar word associated wit
the occult magic. Webster's dictionary defines it this way - 1) a word supposed
to have magic powers and hence used in incantations, on amulets,etc. 2) a magic
spell or formula. It is listed as a word under sorcery. The American Heritage
Dictionary states …Abracadabra was a magic word, the letters of which were
arranged in an inverted pyramid and worn as an amulet around the neck to protect
the wearer against disease or trouble. One fewer letter appeared in each line of
the pyramid, until only a remained to form the vertex of the triangle. As the
letters disappeared, so supposedly did the disease or trouble." The word
"abracadabra" is associated today with gibberish but it has always
been used in magic and conjuring I don't think it is a coincidence that the two
Pokémon called Abra and Kadabra are psychic cards with magical powers. On the
Abra card it reads "Using its ability to read minds, it will identify
impending danger and teleport to safety." Then there are occult symbols on
Kadabra as well. He has a witches pentagram on his forehead (symbolizing the 5
elements, SSS on his chest that is disguised, and some would identify him giving
the Satanic salute with his left hand. He omits special alpha waves that induce
headaches even to those nearby (I think I'm getting one) All of the above have
occult implications. the Bible Deut.18:10-12 explicitly states that we are
neither to participate in nor associate with activities related to the Occult,
this is not just a game of fun. In the episode Haunter versus Kadabra, Ash and
friends go to lavender city to fight Sabrina who is a Pokémon has psychic
powers. She communicates to her Pokémon telepathically. At one point in the
story she turns misty and Brock into dolls and they meet Sabrinas mom who was
also turned into a midget doll. She says, "please don't think bad of
Sabrina shes really a good daughter." This good daughter had her powers
overtake her as a child and her personality split into 2 people. One stayed a
young child while the other grew up. As she enters into battle with Ash who
wants to rescue his friends who are now dolls her eyes glow red and she has
Kadabra send psi waves against Pikachu. Instead of Pokémon these creatures may
be better named poltergeist's. Wicca, or Witchcraft is popular and a fast
growing religion throughout the world today. symbols and signs used in magick.
(Runes.) Like Witchcraft, and sorcery Pokémon trainers must go through training
and ritual type actions to become 'Master Trainers', become powerful in the
'craft' with the ability to control the Pokémon and their powers. participating
in magic means demanding that a spiritual force, spirits will do ones bidding.
Ash summons the Pokémon from the ball. The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia says
witchcraft is exercise of supernatural powers through occult arts such as magic,
sorcery, and even Satanism. Its origins are in the belief in separate powers of
good and evil in ancient pagan cults and in religions. Pagans use nature powers
and demonic spirits, shamans use animal spirits. In the Pokémon game trainers
summon one of their Pokémon to battle other monsters and they use them as
guardians. In Wicca, guardians spirits are called by them to protect them from
(other) 'evil' spirits as they during rituals stay in the 'safe' area circle,
the pentagram, The similarity is the Pokémon monsters are held safe in a
Pokeball until the trainer summons them and they use natures powers. You have
"evil" demons/monsters (pocket monsters) fighting the "good"
monsters (pikachu's, etc.). Grolier Encyclopedia says magic is-The use of a
certain ritual action to bring about the intervention of a supernatural force,
either in human affairs or in the natural environment, In casting spells, the
appropriate use of words is sufficient to release or activate a power.Often
times natures 5 elements are used in battle ( fire, water, air or wind, earth,
void-symbol of the star in the occult) . They teach that these powers can be
manipulated by the Pokémon. Many of the Pagan and earth based religions find
power in these same Elements that are the energy cards in the Pokemon game! In
one episode Ash has his spirit taken out of his body by haunter, of course he
later puts him back in. Children are subtly being indoctrinated in the theory of
evolution, mysticism and pagan beliefs in the Pokémon game.They are being
opened to accepting humanistic wisdom and occult spirituality. The Bible says,
"Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God" 1 Cor. 10:31. Does this
game bring glory to God? This game is not even neutral, it opposes him in many
different ways. Pocket monsters of the occult that you child can carry and do
battles with, think about it. In 1997 hundreds of children went into epileptic
seizures while watching the Pokémon cartoon in Japan. Here are excerpts of 2
reports Dec. 17,1997 TOKYO -As many as 700 schoolchildren reportedly suffered
convulsions, vomiting, and other symptoms while watching the Pokemon cartoon.
Japanese mass dailies Mainichi, Yomiuri and Asahi carried front-page stories
Wednesday reporting the seizures, which they said took place about 20 minutes
into the 30-minute show, watched by millions of kids across Japan. Japan's Home
Affairs Ministry said 208 people, from age 3 upward, including a 58-year-old
man, were still in hospital with epilepsy-type symptoms more than 24 hours after
the showing…. The blame was put on a scene depicting an explosion followed by
five seconds of flashing red lights from the eyes of the most popular character,
Pikachu, a rat-like creature. The episode centered on characters getting inside
a computer to fight each other, while the explosion was set off by a
"vaccine bomb" detonated to destroy a computer virus. December 17,
1997 Web posted at: 4:15 a.m. EST TOKYO (CNN) In a national survey, the Tokyo
fire department found that at least 618 children had suffered convulsions,
vomiting, irritated eyes, and other symptoms after watching "Pokemon."
…. Psychologist Rika Kayama, author of a book on video games and health, said
that "there is the possibility of photosensitive epilepsy or group
hysterics." "The children must have been totally immersed in the
program," Kayama said. (Nintendo's games carry a health warning about this)
So how can a TV cartoon affect children so adversely? If the cartoon is able to
do this from a few short seconds of viewing, what is the potential in practicing
the gaming and cards for a long time? There have been and continue to be many
popular toys board games, PC games with occult themes. If one looks at the
computer games they seem to be getting more violent with occult themes strewn
throughout. You can now add the world of Poke'mon to the parade of Multiple
gods, aliens, Ouji boards, Psychic powers, magic cards, mind control, astral
travel, teleportation, casting spells, transforming evolution toys,
mesmerization games. Nintendo a Japanese company has a past record of
introducing a supernatural pagan world in their games. The kids, youth, are not
just playing fun games when they participate with Poke'mon, its basis is found
in the occult. It is a primer for the occult worldview and initiates the
unsuspecting child into being open. The good creatures use their occultic powers
to overcome the evil creatures. So what message does that send to children? The
Poke'mon uses powers energies to consume their opponents, they have magical
psychic powers that are supernatural who can evolve into more powerful Poke'mon.
Poke'mon trainers send their Poke'mon out to fight like wizards. They order them
to do different attacks. The Poke'mon never die, if damaged or incapacitated
they are brought back to life as nurse Joy heals them back at the Poke'mon
center. In one episode Bill a Poke'mon researcher said to Ash and friends,
"The planet is created 4.6 billion years ago. During that time all kinds of
Poke'mon existed, they had many ways of living…On this planet there are over
150 species of Poke'mon." This teaches a fable not only of evolution but
intelligent species throughout the universe. They are learning how to play with
mythical creatures, who have magical supernatural powers. They are being taught
that they can make these creatures subject to them. They order the Poke'mon who
fly through the air into battle to fight for them against their enemies. The
children are challenged to become "masters" by conquering more and
more Poke'mon monsters with the powers that are in these creatures. The Poke'mon
travel in Poke' balls when released from the Poke'balls the Poke'mon announces
who he is and will sometimes do so aggressively before the attack. The children
are told to. . . Carry your Poke'mon with you, and you're ready for anything!
You've got the power in your hands, so use it!" Grolier Encyclopedia-
defines magic as "The use of a certain ritual action to bring about the
intervention of a supernatural force, either in human affairs or in the natural
environment,… In casting spells, the appropriate use of words is sufficient to
release or activate a power." Here some suggestions for battle off a Pokémon
web site. "When I try to attack with my Pokemon, it just ignores me. Why
won’t my Pokemon Obey me? That Pokemon’s level is too high for you to
control it. Until you get the corresponding Badge for its level, you will not be
able to control it." "Can I stop my Pokemon from evolving? Will they
be able to evolve later? Yes, just press the B Button while they are changing to
stop the evolution. As the character continues to gain levels, they will attempt
to evolve again." (from Pokémon website at **) The
websites explain that some attacks cause the Defending Pokémon to be Asleep,
Confused, Paralyzed, or Poisoned. Pokémon Masters are the leaders of fighting
schools or battling gangs that solve their problems by beating their opponents.
And how do they do this? The booklet says, "Some attacks cause the
Defending Pokémon to be Asleep, Confused, Paralyzed, or Poisoned." If a
Pokémon is Paralyzed, it can't attack or retreat. Turn the Pokémon sideways to
show it's Paralyzed. If an Active Pokémon is Paralyzed, it recovers after its
player's next turn. Turn the card right-side up again. For example Weepingbell -
Razor Leaf A Pokémon card says, "It spits out poison powder to immobilize
the enemy, and then finishes the enemy with a spray of acid." The creatures
turn into warriors when they fight, some of which look somewhat cute like a
fish, a crab, a butterfly ,dinosaurs, eagles, etc. But don't let that fool you.
As much fun as it looks on the surface, underneath is a volcano of occult
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