Essay, Research Paper: Relativism


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Webster Dictionary describes relativism as a view that ethical truths depend on
the individuals and groups holding them. The United States has the idea that
they have the right to stick their noses into other countries’ business
because something else is morally wrong. But cultures vary greatly regarding
what is morally right and wrong. Quotes related to relativism saturate prime
time drama’s like Roswell, and Dawson’s Creek. Roswell is a semi drama on
the WB Wednesday nights. The main characters of Roswell are Max, Liz, Michael
and Isabel. In this episode it says, "Of coarse it’s got to be the right
one. You know how you know this, the kiss that's how." In this quote an
alien hunter, Everett Hubbell, tells Max Evans his opinion on how you know you
found the right girl. This relates to relativism because Everett Hubbell pushes
his opinion on Max. Also on the WB, Dawson’s Creek is a highly rated
television show. The main characters are Joey, Dawson, Pacey, Jen, Jack, and
Andy. In this episode it says, “Joey: Dawson what were you thinking? Dawson: I
wasn't, for a fleeting moment I actually wasn't thinking, and it felt good.
Joey: To take advantage of a girl who was drunk, vulnerable, and clearly on the
rebound, I mean is it just me Dawson, or is this jaw dropingly out of character.
Dawson: What character, Joey the little sketch in your head you have labeled
Dawson, look this might not be the me your used to and I might make a complete
fool of myself, but you have to start letting me make some mistakes.” In this
quote Joey is appalled on how Dawson acted because he acted differently than she
is used to him acting. This directly relates to relativism because Joey has a
preconceived notion on how Dawson should act.
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