Essay, Research Paper: Caesar And Brutus


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Brutus was a trusted friend of Caesar and an honorable man, or so you thought.
In William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Brutus is presented as a
loyal companion to Caesar showing himself as honorable only to turn around and
betray his friend by death. This to me does not sound like the act of an
honorable man. Can a man who is honored, be honorable? Brutus was a noble man in
Rome and a good friend to the leader Caesar. Many looked up to Brutus as an
honest man, and a person to trust and confide in. Trust is a basis in a
friendship, and the one thing that failed to enter the relationship between
Caesar and Brutus, leading to the one thing to drive their friendship apart. He
may be looked apon as honored but was definitely not an honorable man. Someone
who kills one of his own because he was persuaded to by the thoughts and ideas
of others is easily manipulated and therefore cannot be thought of as honorable.
He does not have strong character if he does not have faith in himself.
"Hold then my sword, and turn away thy face while I do run apon it."
(Shakespeare The Tragedy of Julius Caesar 5. 3. line 49) These were words Brutus
spoke moments before killing himself, dying full of shame. How could a man who
does not have the strength to carry on with his life, be considered honorable?
Half of having the title of being honorable, is having faith in yourself, a
quality which Brutus showed he did not have by timorously taking his own life.
Inner weakness portrays itself in an outer manifestations of lies and anger. How
can these characteristics be considered honorable? Like a chameleon, Brutus
changed his words and ideas to fit the political climate, betraying Caesar, his
country, and eventually himself. Brutus, having no self-assurance, or confidence
he resulted to being a follower right down to his death. These are all signs of
a weak person. With so much going for him, he lost it all to an easy way out of
a difficult situation. We are all presented with effortless ways to get out of
complicated circumstances, but it's not always the best. As loyal and
trustworthy as Brutus was first thought to be, his true side was eventually
shown in the end. He was no friend to Caesar, or anyone else. Betrayal, lies,
suicide, and murder were result of a weak and deceitful man. This man showed he
was anything but honorable in anyway. On who is honored can't always be
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