Essay, Research Paper: NAJHL Hockey League


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The Springfield Statesmen Hockey Organization will play in the North American
Junior Hockey League (NAJHL). The NAJHL is a Division A junior hockey league,
which is the highest level of junior hockey, consisting of eight teams located
in the Great Lakes Region of the United States. The league is comprised
predominantly of players 16 -20 years old. Each team in the league plays a
twenty- game schedule. In addition, league members play in a mid-season all-star
game and in a league tournament that culminates the season by declaring a league
champion. The team will play its home games in the Ice Palace, leased from the
City of Springfield. The Ice Palace has a maximum capacity of 3,000 people. It
includes four locker rooms, eight restroom facilities, an arcade room, an
athletic training facility, a weight room, and a large room available for
private functions. Description of the Community The City of Springfield, which
hosts the team, has a population of 110,000; plus an additional 559,000 within a
60-mile radius. The largest age group for both men and women is 35-44. The
city's government is a municipality with a mayor and 10 aldermen that represent
an area of the city. Springfield is the state capital of Illinois and therefore
houses many of the state's agencies. Its economic base depends upon state and
federal agencies, three major hospitals, three colleges, and two state
universities (University of Illinois at Springfield and Southern Illinois
University School of Medicine). The cost of living in Springfield has an index
of 97.4; the national average is an index of 100. Thirty-five percent of the
households in Springfield earn between $25,000 and $49,000. The three main
industries providing employment are the public sector, services, and retail
trade. Springfield has an unemployment rate of 5.4%. Thirty-three percent of
Springfieldians have a high school diploma and fourteen percent have a
bachelor's degree. Springfield has 36 public schools and 29 non-public schools
employing over 2,600 teachers. The YMCA, YWCA, Boys and Girls Club of America,
and the Springfield Rotary Club offer social service to the community.
Springfield offers 6 museums (including the Illinois State Museum), two zoos, a
minor league baseball team, and numerous state and national historic sites.
Parks offered include seven parks in the Springfield Park District, a wildlife
sanctuary, botanical gardens, and Lincoln's New Salem State Park. The Illinois
Symphony Orchestra, Springfield Chamber Orchestra, Springfield Muni Opera, and
Springfield Theatre Center house the city's performing arts. Natural resources
of the area include Lake Springfield and the Sangamon River. Numerous highways
and Interstates 55 and 72 allow for travel in and out of the city. Capital
Airport provides air service to the community with service provided by American
Eagle, Great Lakes, United Express, and Trans World Express. Five trunkline
railroads serve Sangamon County and Amtrak provides passenger service.
Intra-city bus service is available via the Springfield Mass Transit District,
and Greyhound provides interstate bus service (Greater Springfield Chamber of
Commerce, 1999). Target Population The athletic services provided by the
Springfield Statesmen Hockey Organization (SSHO) serves primarily 16-20 year old
hockey players seeking an opportunity to eventually play for a major college or
professional hockey team. Players will be recruited and drafted from national
and international midget (a younger group of players) leagues, with players
coming from as far away as Europe and Russia to play. Due to the expenses to
play the sport most players come from upper-middle and upper class families. The
entertainment services provided by the team serves an audience of all ages.
Working class families provide the largest audience base. Special seating will
be provided for families as well as group ticket pricing. A private room is
available for larger parties. The facility is handicapped accessible, and
smoking is prohibited in the arena. Financing The SSHO is financed primarily by
player fees (players must pay $5,000 each to play in the league), ticket sales,
and advertising sales. Additional funding will come from concession sales, team
merchandise sales, booster club fundraisers, and team fundraisers (the Summer
Golf Outing with the team and a Silent Auction of team memorabilia). Legal Basis
for Service The SSHO is a for-profit corporation, incorporated in the State of
Illinois and registered with the Federal Government as a for-profit corporation.
Annually, the major shareholders for the team file taxes with the Illinois
Department of Revenue and the Internal Revenue Service. PURPOSE STATEMENT
enhance the development of its players through top-quality coaching, extensive
practice time, and a rigorous game schedule. The Organization is committed to
providing these developmental opportunities in conjunction with a commitment to
academic support, as the Organization's schedule is designed around weekend
travel to minimize school conflicts. VISION STATEMENT SPRINGFIELD STATESMEN
HOCKEY ORGANIZATION Springfield Statesmen Hockey is one of the premier junior
hockey organizations in the country. The Organization is committed to putting a
winning team on the ice by developing a team of extremely talented players.
League competition helps players make the transition from midget and high school
hockey to college and professional hockey by creating an environment that is
highly competitive, encourages skill development, and provides time for personal
growth and maturity. Springfield Statesmen Hockey is the coolest game in town!
ORGANIZATIONAL CHART DESCRIPTION The organizational chart (See Appendix A) of
the SSHO follows the classical bureaucratic chart, where authority and
responsibility flows from top to bottom. The major partners (shareholders) are
at the top of the chart. A Board of Directors reports to the shareholders and is
assisted by a legal counsel and external auditor. The Board is responsible for
the hiring of the Chief Executive Officer who oversees the General Manager and
Business Manager. The General Manager (GM) also serves as head coach, and is
assisted by the Assistant Coach in making team policies and conducting the
on-ice business. The head and assistant coach are also responsible for the
hiring of the medical staff and for providing scouting, player development, and
strength and conditioning training. The medical staff consists of a sports
physician, a certified athletic trainer, and a team chiropractor; all of who
work in conjunction with each other (linking pin format). The head athletic
trainer is responsible for the hiring of a qualified assistant athletic trainer
(who may not be paid). The Business Manager is responsible for the hiring of the
Office Manager and the other various business departments of the organization:
marketing and community relations; ticket operations and sales; finance;
merchandise sales (the latter three are in a locking pin format); rink
operations; and media and public relations (PR). The Office Manager oversees the
Organization's clerical staff. The head of rink operations is in charge of
hiring a public address (PA) announcer, security officers, ice maintenance crew,
concession employees, and parking staff. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SERVICES The
primary service provided by the SSHO is a means for advancement in competitive
hockey. Our players receive quality coaching and ample opportunity to be
scouted. The team is located in the heart of Midwestern collegiate hockey,
making all league games and tournaments easily accessible by college recruiters
and professional scouts. National Hockey League (NHL) teams, NHL Central
Scouting, and all levels of major college and junior hockey consistently scout
league games. In addition, the NAJHL takes an active role in promoting its
players by distributing monthly progress reports to NHL Central Scouting and all
major college programs. The team also publishes a media guide, is covered by a
number of local news services, and has all of its away games broadcasted on
radio. Being a part of the Springfield Statesmen Hockey Organization will
provide all of its players with the opportunity to compete against some of North
America's best hockey players, and enjoy the benefits of the visibility that
goes along with it.
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