Essay, Research Paper: Animal Testing


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Using animals for testing is
wrong and should be banned.They
have rights just as we do.Twenty-four
hours a day humans are using defenseless animals for cruel and most often
useless tests.The animals have no
way of fighting back.This is why
there should be new laws to protect them.These
legislations also need to be enforced more regularly.Too many criminals get away with murder.

private companies run most labs, often experiments are conducted by public
organizations.The US government, Army and Air force in particular, has
designed and carried out many animal experiments.The purposed experiments were engineered so that many animals would
suffer and die without any certainty that this suffering and death would save a
single life, or benefit humans in anyway at all; but the same can be said for
tens of thousands of other experiments performed in the US each year.Limiting it to just experiments done on beagles, the following might sock
most people:For instance, at the
Lovelace Foundation, Albuquerque, New Mexico, experimenters forced sixty-four
beagles to inhale radioactive Strontium 90 as part of a larger ^Fission Product
Inhalation Program^ which began in 1961 and has been paid for by the US Atomic
Energy Commission.In this
experiment Twenty-five of the dogs eventually died.One of the deaths occurred during an epileptic seizure; another from a
brain hemorrhage.Other dogs, before death, became feverish and anemic, lost
their appetites, and had hemorrhages.The
experimenters in their published report, compared their results with that of
other experiments conducted at the University of Utah and the Argonne National
Laboratory in which beagles were injected with Strontium 90.They concluded that the dose needed to produce ^early death^ in fifty
percent of the sample group differed from test to test because the dogs injected
with Strontium 90 retain more of the radioactive substance than dogs forced to
inhale it.Also, at the University of Rochester School Of Medicine a
group of experimenters put fifty beagles in wooden boxes and irradiated them
with different levels of radiation by x-rays. Twenty-one of the dogs died within
the first two weeks.The
experimenters determined the dose at which fifty percent of the animals will die
with ninety-five percent confidence.The
irritated dogs vomited, had diarrhea, and lost their appetites.Later, they hemorrhaged from the mouth, nose, and eyes.In their report, the experimenters compared their experiment to others of
the same nature that each used around seven hundred dogs. The experimenters said
that the injuries produced in their own experiment were “Typical of those
described for the dog” (Singer 30).Similarly,
experimenters for the US Food and Drug Administration gave thirty beagles and
thirty pigs large amounts of Methoxychlor (a pesticide) in their food, seven
days a week for six months, ^In order to insure tissue damage^ (30).Within eight weeks, eleven dogs exhibited signs of ^abnormal behavior^
including nervousness, salivation, muscle spasms, and convolutions.
Michael Allen. The Case For Animal Experimentation.Los

Angeles: University Of California Press, 1986.

Jasper, James M. and Dorothy Nelkin, eds. The Animal Rights

Crusade. New York: Macmillion Inc., 1992, 103-56.

Morse, Mel. Ordeal Of The Animals. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall

International, 1968.

Sequoia, Anna. 67 Ways To Save The Animals. New York: Harper Collins, 1990.
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